Welcome to
Samanna's World

Samanna's world is the fantasy universe of Ann Morris' alter-ego. Samanna of Stone Hill. All material used here is under the copyright of Ann Morris. If you wish to know more about Samanna and how she came to be, Click Here.


I have been to the mountains.
I have been to the shore.
I have wandered in far places.
I need travel no more.
I have found what I was seeking
In a place where love starts.
Where we have come to gather,
There's communion of hearts.

You can count on the starshine
To guide you in the night
And the sun is there to lead you
As you move through daylight.
You must follow your own pathway
To the place where love starts.
In a place where friends await you,
There's communion of hearts.

We have been on a journey
To find where we belong.
We have turned what was weakness
Into something that is strong.
We have built our own bridges
To the place where love starts.
Where we have come together,
There's communion of hearts.

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